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Teachers, save “Water vs Vegetable Oil and Food Color” to assign it to your class.

Stacy Shirley

Water vs Vegetable Oil and Food Color

Grades: 1st Grade, Kindergarten, PK-TK
Subjects: Science

Student Instructions

add 1. Click the green add button drawing 2. Draw your prediction rec 3. Record your prediction check 4. Click the green check mark to save your work rec 5. After you are done experimenting/talking to the teacher record a comment comment on your prediction to say what happened.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Experiment #7: Water vs Vegetable Oil w/food color Colorful rain in a glass: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2432557596975153 Mel Science Instructions: https://melscience.com/US-en/articles/colorful-rain-glass/?utm_source=FBPost_en&utm_medium=ColorfulRainArticle_en Step 1 (Experiment #2) Vegetable oil – add food coloring (3 colors) Add 3-4 drops of each food color (red, blue, green) (Before adding: “What will happen?”) Stir (After adding and stirring: “Did anything change?”) - Food coloring goes from big drops to lots of tiny drops. “The oils and food colorings don’t mix with each other, forming an emulsion.” Mel Science Step 2 (Experiment #6) Add mixture to a container of cold water (Before adding: “What will happen?”) - oil stays on top “The oily ‘cloud’ releases a flood of colored ‘rain’! Oil and water don’t dissolve in each other, so the liquids remain separate. When the dye droplets reach the oil-water boundary, they dissolve in the water.” Mel Science
