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Teachers, save “100th Day Celebration - When I Am 100” to assign it to your class.

Erica Jasna Struble

100th Day Celebration - When I Am 100

Grades: 2nd Grade, 1st Grade, Kindergarten
Subjects: English Language Arts

Student Instructions

Happy 100th Day! What will you look like when you are 100? What will you eat to celebrate, what will you collect and see? Celebrate the 100th Day with these 100th Day activities! 1. Click the add add response button. 2. On the first slide, take 2 pictures of yourself. Click and move move the pictures to the frames. Using the label label tool, type your age and the year you will be 100 years old. Then, use the :draw: drawing tools to make yourself old! Maybe you want to give yourself wrinkles and glasses and maybe you want grey hair! 3. On the next slides, answer the questions and click and move move the picture to the frame. 4. On the very last slide, (if you can) use the mic recording tool and read the 100th Day Poem. Click on the writing prompt :labels: labels and complete the prompts. 5. Click on the green check checkmark to upload your work.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Thank you to Whimsy Clips for the clip art and Rachel Lukaczko for the 100th Day Poem. Instead of having the students use the Seesaw Tools to "age" them, you can use the app AgingBooth (Free on Apple) to age your students! Upload to their activity.
