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Teachers, save “Fall Faves Fotos (Photos)” to assign it to your class.

Ms. Menagh

Fall Faves Fotos (Photos)

Grades: 2nd Grade, 1st Grade, 3rd Grade
Subjects: Home Learning, Character Building, Computer Science

Student Instructions

Go on a walk or find things around your home looking for your fall favorites! 1. Take a separate photo of at least four fall favorites on your iPad. *There can be more! 2. Tap. add 3. Tap the pencil to load the drawing tools. 4. Tap the photo tool and select upload 5. Pick each photo you’d like to include. You can have up to 10 photos. Then tap the check to load the photos. 6. Drag the photos and resize them by dragging the corners and move them to a spot that looks nice on your page. 7. Add any decorations, shapes, text, and color to the background. 8. When you are satisfied, tap the mic and tell why you chose each item. 9. Listen to your recording and tap check to post to your journal. 10. Watch the video to learn how to go through these steps.
