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Rugby for Change

Word work - Dicey Spellings!

Grades: 4th Grade, 6th Grade, 5th Grade
Subjects: Home Learning, Writing, Multilingual Learners

Student Instructions

How to play Dicey Spellings: 1. Select a word from your list of spellings or from the list in the examples. 2. Click on the dice🎲 to roll, click again to stop it. 3. Look at the number. 4. Click the strategy name link to go to practice page. 5. Follow the directions for that number from the list of spelling strategies. (see examples) 6. On the spelling practice page , use drawing and label tools to write with. 7. Check to see if you have spelt the word correctly, click the dice link to return home. 8. Choose another word, roll dice and repeat. Check examples for guides of each spelling strategy, containing instructions with low level words, 🎥 videos and link links to explain definitions.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Can be used with personalised spellings, or use spelling word banks in examples. Clink on links on first example page for NC Y1,2,3,4 common exception words, Y3/4 statuatory spellings and Y5/6 statuatory spellings. Encourage children to check that they are familiar with all the strategies, use the next button to scroll through different examples, containing links and videos explaining strategies and recapping terminology. Strategies have as much explanation as possible, so the activity can be set for independent work or home learning. Guided session notes for each strategy: Pyramid words - This strategy makes children really think about each letter of a spelling, Encourage them to read aloud each letter as they write it. Example: "Liked. L. Li. Lik. Like. Liked. Liked" Can extend by taking a letter away each time to create a diamond word. Colour vowels - Encourage childen to use links to familiarise themselves with the vowels and consonants of the alphabet. Choose a brighter colour for the vowels to make them stand out. Draw around words - Encourage children to draw around the letters of the spellings, making a clear distinction in size when they are ascenders or descenders. Look carefully at the word and the size and shape of the letters in each box. Then ask them to replicate the word. Rainbow words - Ask children to say the word. Write the word using drawingl or labe tool. Encourage children to say each letter out loud as they write it. Then, say the word again. Example: Say: "Liked, L-I-K-E-D, Liked" Say the word . Trace over the word with a new colour using the draw tool. Say each letter out loud as they trace it. Then, say the word again. Look, say, cover, write, check: Look: get the children to look at the whole word carefully focus on difficult parts Say: Say the word as you look at it, using different ways of pronouncing it/silly voices if that will make it more memorable. Cover: Cover spelling and have a go. ChecK : Check and go over mistakes
