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Sonja McGinnis

Ocean Floor Features (VA SOL 5.6)

Grades: 4th Grade, 6th Grade, 5th Grade
Subjects: Science

Student Instructions

Using Google Earth, you will find some features of the Ocean Floor. Explore within Google Earth and take a screenshot of one (or you may have more) of the following features: Continental Shelf, Continental Slope, Continental Rise, Trench, Abyssal Plain, Mid-ocean ridge, or an underwater mountain/volcano. 1. Open your journal by selecting your name. 2. add the activity to your journal 3. Upload your screenshot from the cameraroll camera roll of the ocean feature you took from Google Earth. 4.Use the label label tool to label the ocean feature. 5. Use the drawing pencil tool to circle the feature. 6. rec Record where this feature is located and tell why you think it is that feature. (ie: This continental shelf is off the coast of Africa or This trench is in the Pacific Ocean)
