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Teachers, save “Rube Goldberg Machine” to assign it to your class.

Mrs. Nunez

Rube Goldberg Machine

Grades: 4th Grade, 12th Grade, PK-TK
Subjects: STEAM, Science

Student Instructions

I LOVE this assignment! I challenge you to make a wild machine to complete a simple task. Read through the attached website and watch all the videos before you get started. If your machine ends up working eventually, great. If it doesn't, that's great too. My goal if for you to use your creativity and practice learning from failures. When it doesn't work, try, try again. What can you change or add to fix the problem? Brownie points if you use one of each of these types of machines (see video link for an explanation of each: https://youtu.be/LSfNYpCprw4). - Incline Plane - Lever - Wedge - Screw - Wheel & Axel - Pulley EXPERT TIP: First, collect the supplies you think may be helpful and explore ways they may work together. Then, draw out your first design idea before trying to build it.
