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Teachers, save “Spring Scavenger Hunt” to assign it to your class.

Tabitha Fulton

Spring Scavenger Hunt

Grades: Kindergarten
Subjects: Religion, Math, Science

Student Instructions

Spring Scavenger Hunt With an adult, go outside today and see all the things you can find! I have attached some things for you to look for on your scavenger hunt. I want you to try and find 5 or more things on my list! 1. Click the add and find your name. 2. Cross the items off as you go. 3. After you're finished, count and see how many items you were able to find. Did you find more than 5? 4. Draw or write one thing that you saw that connects to spring. 5. At the bottom of the screen, press the caption button. Click on the microphone to tell me about your drawing and why you think you saw that item today! 6. Tap the check to add it to your journal
