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Teachers, save “Let's Hear it for Hearing ~ 5 containers” to assign it to your class.

Denise Cummins

Let's Hear it for Hearing ~ 5 containers

Grades: Kindergarten, 2nd Grade, 1st Grade
Subjects: Health

Student Instructions

Five containers each have different objects inside, and your job is to guess what’s inside each container - using just your ears! Each container has a mate, another container with the same contents. Shake each of the containers, and use your sense of hearing to try to figure out what’s inside. Can you find the containers that sound the same? Use the move tool to put the number that's on the container onto the correct jar in the activity. After reading the instructions, tap add to start the activity. Remember to tap draft if you need to come back to the activity or the check if you are ready to add this activity to your Journal.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

I have edited the original activity: Let's Hear it for Hearing. This version has only five containers that the students match to a corresponding item in the activity. The items in the activity have a sound file of the containers being shaken, students match the numbered container to the item in the activity. I just used paper cups that I cut and closed down. If you use different containers you might need to re-record the sound of each container. This activity has been created to accompany the Human Body Series~Hearing, by Kids' Health in the Classroom https://kidshealth.org/classroom/index.jsp?Grade=pk&Section=body I gave students a print out of the activity to help them navigate and record while working on this activity. Instructions: Ten containers each have different objects inside, and your job is to guess what’s inside each container - using just your ears! Each container has a mate, another container with the same contents. Shake each of the containers, and use your sense of hearing to try to figure out what’s inside. Can you find the containers that sound the same? Record which containers you think contain each item.
