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Elizabeth Lukes

3.10- Keith Haring Part 3 II Mixed Media

Grades: 3rd Grade
Subjects: Art

Student Instructions

Awesome job 3rd graders! We have loved seeing your Keith Haring gesture drawings. There are so many different stories to tell, with each pose you have created. Today we will finish our drawings with mixed media. Mixed media means that you are using more than one material to color or design your work. It's ok if you do not have access to all of these different materials. Choose what works best for you- just try to at least use two. What you might want to use: 1. Crayons 2. Colored Pencils 3. Markers 4. Paint 5. Ink 6. Oil Pastels 7. Graphite 1. If you haven't finished outlining, please do that first. Use a Sharpie, black marker, black crayon or black colored pencil. Don't forget your movement marks! 2. Choose two different materials to use to color your picture. Choose one material for the figure, and one for the background. 3. Fill each space, the figure and the background while showing good craftsmanship. 4. When you are finished, please upload to Seesaw and tell us about your figures! What are their stories? Have Fun! Mrs. Lukes
