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Teachers, save “Paul Bunyan Folktale” to assign it to your class.

Nichole Poss

Paul Bunyan Folktale

Grades: 1st Grade, 3rd Grade, 2nd Grade
Subjects: English Language Arts, Reading, Writing

Student Instructions

1. Paul Bunyan is an American folktale. Now that you have read the folktale on Epic!, tap the link to watch a short movie about the folktale of Paul Bunyan. 2. add 3. Use the label tool to write adjectives about Paul Bunyan in each box on page 1 of the activity. *Remember: Think about inside and outside traits and what you learned from our character unit of inquiry. 4. Then, use the label tool to write a complete sentence about Paul Bunyan using at least one of your adjectives. *Remember: Use all of your writing rules - capitalization, punctuation, details, etc. 5. Use the drawing tools to a picture of any imaginary pet you would like to have on page 2 of the activity. 6. Then, use the label tool to write about your pet. *Remember: Use all of your writing rules - capitalization, punctuation, transition words, details, complete sentences, multiple sentences, proper nouns, etc. 7. Use the label tool to compare the book folktale of Paul Bunyan you read on Epic! to the short movie you watched at the beginning of this activity on page 3. *Hint: Think about characters, events, details, etc. 8. Check your work. 9. check 10. Add to your Reading, Writing, AND Communication folders.
