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Teachers, save “ATW - Planning in Italy” to assign it to your class.

Alex Newman-Adam

ATW - Planning in Italy

Grades: 8th Grade, 9th Grade, 7th Grade
Subjects: Special Education, Social Studies

Student Instructions

LEARNING INTENTION: To think why and how to plan food and activities for the Italy leg of the trip. As a class, watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=FlRwssZYRM0 1. On Page 1, complete the table to name 8 places to go or things to see in Italy. Be specific & find photos for each. 2. On Page 2, complete the table to identify 8 different things that you want to eat in Italy. Be specific & find photos for each. 3. On Page 3, explain why planning can be useful. 5. Tap check to submit.
