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Kristin Ransom

C is for Combine

Grades: 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade
Subjects: Home Learning, Writing, STEAM

Student Instructions

SCAMPER is an acronym for creative thinking. The C in SCAMPER stands for COMBINE. When you combine you join or put things together to form a new product or idea. 1. Look at the list of items below. 2. Think about how each item is used. How could these items be COMBINED to make something new? 3. Pick 2 items from the list. 4. drawing Draw what they would look like if they were combined. 5. mic or caption Record your voice or add a caption telling how your new item would new useful. Items to combine (pick 2): paperclip car toothbrush paper plate coin eraser wagon straw pen ruler staple glass wheels pencil sharpener glue cup nail marker
