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Karlye Hogg

Spin Me A Discount!

Grades: 7th Grade, 6th Grade, 5th Grade
Subjects: Math

Student Instructions

seesaw LI: I am learning to calculate money amounts. SC: I can use the four operations to add, subtract, multiply and divide money amounts. I can calculate percentages discounts of 10%, 25% and 50%. I can calculate the discount amount. I can calculate the sale price. AIM Players use mental mathematics to calculate percentage discounts of 10%, 25% and 50% and the new sale price. The aim of the game is to cover all of the sale prices on the game board with counters.​ HOW TO PLAY 1. Players decide who is going to be Player 1 and who is going to be Player 2. Players can swap roles in subsequent games. 2. Player 1 SPINS the Price spinner and the Discount spinner. The numbers rolled are recorded in the calculating Sales Price Table. 3. Player 1 uses mental mathematics strategies to apply the discount rolled to the price rolled e.g. 10% of $30 = $3. Player 1 then subtracts the discount amount from the original price to calculate the sale price e.g. $30 - $3 = $27. 4. Player 1 looks for the sale price ($27) on their game board. If it appears on the game board, it can be crossed out (or highlighted). If it does not appear on the game board, play moves to Player 2. 5. Player 2 repeats the same processes followed by Player 1. *** Players can keeo track of their opponents wins by circling them on the other player's board. 6. The first player to cover all of the sale prices on their game board is the winner.
