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Teachers, save “The Water Cycle ~ Science Lesson” to assign it to your class.

Mrs Baker

The Water Cycle ~ Science Lesson

Grades: Kindergarten, 2nd Grade, 1st Grade
Subjects: STEAM, Science, Home Learning

Student Instructions

Do you love the sound of rain falling on the roof? Do you love the smell of fresh rain when it hits the grass? Do you know where rain comes from? Well you're about to find out. Today we are going to learn about the 'Water Cycle' 💧 First, let's click the add to open our workspace. Then, on the first slide, click on all the link to watch 👀 and listen 🔊 to the video, story, and the experiment. Next, click on the 2nd slide to read through the experiment you can do either at home or at school. Lastly, the 3rd slide has a place for you to record what you predict will happen and what you observed during the experiment. Have fun and send check to your teacher when you are finished. You may even like to take a photo and upload it to your journal. Be proud 💧🧫🧪🌡️⚗️🔬🥽👩‍🔬👨‍🔬 of your science work.
