Student Instructions
We observe when we use one or more of our senses to find out about objects, events, or living things. An observation is a fact learned directly through the senses. Scientists learn about living and nonliving things through observation. Scientists use many different kinds of tools. A tool is an object used to do work. A magnifying glass is a tool. When you observe a rock, you can describe its color, shape, texture, size, and luster. Luster describes how light bounces off a rock or mineral. Words like shiny, metallic, glassy, and dull describe luster. 1. Click on the to watch the video to learn about observing. 2. Observe your rock. Use a magnifying rock to observe the small details. 3. Take a of your rock. 4. Click to open the template. 5. Upload your . 6. Use the tool to label the properties of the rock (color, texture, luster, size, shape). 7. Record a description of your rock. 8. Click the green to save.