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Teachers, save β€œπŸ” (A1) Observing πŸ‘€ Rocks” to assign it to your class.

Kelly Hudson (khudson@steds.org)

πŸ” (A1) Observing πŸ‘€ Rocks

Grades: 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade
Subjects: Science

Student Instructions

We observe when we use one or more of our senses to find out about objects, events, or living things. An observation is a fact learned directly through the senses. Scientists learn about living and nonliving things through observation. Scientists use many different kinds of tools. A tool is an object used to do work. A magnifying glass is a tool. When you observe a rock, you can describe its color, shape, texture, size, and luster. Luster describes how light bounces off a rock or mineral. Words like shiny, metallic, glassy, and dull describe luster. 1. Click on the link to watch the video to learn about observing. 2. Observe your rock. Use a magnifying rock to observe the small details. 3. Take a photo of your rock. 4. Click add to open the template. 5. Upload upload your photo. 6. Use the label tool to label the properties of the rock (color, texture, luster, size, shape). 7. Record mic a description of your rock. 8. Click the green check to save.
