Student Instructions
1. Stand up at your desk and visualize this scene in your head and the main character’s actions.
2. First move your body for the first step the main character does. Freeze, now write a sentence describing how each part of your body moved (I placed my left foot on the pavement and bent my knee).
3. Try this a few more times. Push yourself to slow down the movie in your head to see how the character moves in the end. Move your body in slow motion as if you’re in the movie. Freeze, write down another sentence that describes each movement or how your body feels. See if you can do this a few more times. (My neck muscles felt tight. I reached out stretching my hand to hit the finish line tape winning the race!)
4. Finish writing your scene.
5. Press to add a photo. Take a
photo of your scene
6. Use the
drawing tool to underline your step by step describing sentences and
record yourself reading the entire scene with EMOTION!
7. Place it in your writing folder.