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Teachers, save “Write a Tongue Twister” to assign it to your class.

Cathy Hutter

Write a Tongue Twister

Grades: 4th Grade
Subjects: Reading, English Language Arts

Student Instructions

It’s Tongue Twister Tuesday! Can you write a tongue twister with your name? Remember as many words as possible should start with the same letter- the beginning letter of your name: You can draw a picture to go along with your tongue twister. Example: Mrs. Hutter has happy, heavy, healthy hippos at her house. Then: 1. Tap add 2. Type in your tongue twister. 2. mic yourself saying your tongue twister 5 times fast. 3. drawing a picture to go with your tongue twister. 4. Tap check to submit it. Have fun writing a tongue twister about yourself. I can’t wait to see your ideas!
