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Teachers, save “Estoy video” to assign it to your class.

Beth Lederman

Estoy video

Grades: 4th Grade
Subjects: World Languages

Student Instructions

1.Take 6-8 pictures of yourself or a friend showing the Estoy/ Esta' phrases. photo Save to your camera roll. 2. Using the Shadow Puppet app,Google Slides or Pic Collage create a series of pictures showing the “estoy phrases”. They should be each on their own page, not one slide. 6-8 pages 3.Make a slide show, label Write out each phrase AND rec and record your voice reading the phrases in Spanish. Be sure to use Estoy if you are talking about yourself and Esta´ if you are talking about someone else. Also make sure if it is a male your are describing you use the endings with o, and for females you use the endings with a. Example: Estoy cansado, vs. estoy cansada. check Upload to your Spanish folder.
