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Adrienne Jimerson

Pattern Pros! Transferring Patterns

Grades: 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade
Subjects: Math

Student Instructions

Are you a Pattern Pro?? 💡When you identify either the core in a repeating pattern or the rule in a growing/changing pattern, you can transfer it to other forms more easily. Watch the video on page 1 for an explanation! 1️⃣On each page, say aloud 🗣 what you see 👀 in the pattern to figure out if it repeating or growing/changing. 2️⃣Next, follow the same core pattern or use the same rule and any of the Seesaw tools to transfer the pattern to another form using letters, numbers, shapes shapes, or even emojis. 3️⃣Finally, add an audio button for each new form to share your thinking and how you know it makes sense. 👍🏻Tip: be careful! Patterns must match in size, shape, color, and placement or the pattern will be broken. 🌟Bonus: You may add another pages to share your own pattern and transfer it to another form! If you need more time, click draft or if you are proud and ready to show your best thinking, click check to share with your teacher and family.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

A. Jimerson @Super2ndsMrsJ #SeesawAmbassador
