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Carma Sorensen

Be a Friend

Grades: PK-TK, Kindergarten
Subjects: English Language Arts, Art, Special Education

Student Instructions

1. Watch the video by clicking on the link. 2. Say one thing you learned about being a friend. 3. drawing a picture (on the screen or on paper) of you and a friend. 4. Use the mic to tell about your picture. 5. Click on the green check to add to your journal. Simplify: * If your child is nonverbal, tell them one thing you learned in 2 or three words ("Friends are kind"). * Don't worry about the quality of your child's drawing as long as they're doing their best. * Remember to encourage independence but support as needed. Extend: * The extension for this activity is built into the language (#s2 and 4) and the drawing (#3). * Expect your child to do their best. Be sure you've allowed enough time for them to do so. * Have your child practice a friendship skill with a family member. Learning Opportunities: ELA 3 yr.1.4: With prompting and support, describe attributes of familiar people, places, things, and events. ELA 4 yr.1.4: Describe attributes of familiar people, places, things, and events. ELA 3 yr.1.8: With prompting and support, engage in conversations with peers and adults. ELA 4 yr.1.8: Engage in conversations with peers and adults by talking about activities, personal stories, pictures, topics, and text. ELA 3 yr.1.9: With prompting and support, begin to recognize that there are rules for conversation (for example, listening to others, staying on topic, taking turns speaking). ELA 4 yr.1.9: Follow agreed upon rules for conversation (for example, listening to others, staying on topic, and taking turns speaking). FA 3 & 4yr.4.1: Show interest and create works of art using a variety of tools and materials. FA 3 & 4yr.4.4: With prompting and support, talk with peers and/or adults about the art they created.
