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Karen McClintock

Potato Commonweath Games - Day 1

Grades: 3rd Grade, 2nd Grade, 1st Grade
Subjects: Math

Student Instructions

Welcome to Day 1 of our Potato Commonwealth Games. There are two events today - Artistic Gymnastics (Dance), Gymnastics (Balance Beam) add Event 1- Artistic Gymnastics (Dance) 1. Place your potato on a flat surface and play your favourite music. 2. Time how long your potato can spin for. Use the timer on the page for you to use. 3. Record each for 3 different dances and circle the best time. 4. Who received the gold and silver medals for Dance? Record their name and their total score. label Event 2 - Gymnastics (Balance Beam) 1. Place 6 pencils closely together, creating a bridge across 2 tables or 2 piles of books. 2. Balance the potato on top of the pencils. Slowly remove one pencil at a time, without the potato falling. 3. Record how many pencils were remaining when your potato fell. 4. Who received the gold and silver medals for this event? Record their name and the total number of pencils that remained after the potato fell. label 5. Interview one of your athletes about either sport. mic video 6. News reporter page photo video

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

2nd of 7 linked Seesaw tasks Credits and adapted from: Timer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwUB8esLs2I TpT - 2020 Home Learning Potato Olympics Work Pack by Teaching with Sarah Rose TpT - Potato Olympics - FREEBIE by Miss Cav's Classroom Maths300 https://maths300.com/Potato Olympics AMSI Potato Olympics Task https://calculate.org.au/2018/07/16/potato-olympics/
