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Teachers, save “Online Safety ~ What information am I sh…” to assign it to your class.

Mr Still

Online Safety ~ What information am I sharing? ~ (Digital Footprint & Data-Points)

Grades: 7th Grade, 6th Grade, 5th Grade
Subjects: Digital Citizenship

Student Instructions

1. Click on the link links in the examples attached 2. Discuss each point with your teacher or a work-partner 3. Click on add and use either the label feature or the voice feature to record what your thoughts are on these two different people: Is one of them being smarter than the other in terms of the information they are sharing? Who has the bigger 'Digital Footprint'? Could either of them be a bit safer? How could they do this?

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Get children to watch the video on Page 1 together as a class. Then use the thinglink interactive images on pages 2 & 3 to start a discussion with the class (or a group) helping them to understand that everything they do online has an impact on their digital footprint. Ask Pupils to individually go off and respond to the activity.
