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Ms. Depner

Early Literacy Assessment - Phonemic Awareness Assessment

Year Groups: 2nd Grade, Kindergarten, 1st Grade
Subjects: Special Education

Instructions for Pupils

Students: 1. Your teacher will guide you through each of the pages. 2. This activity will take more than one day to complete and that's okay! 3. This activity will help you, your parents and your teacher make a learning profile just for you! Parents: This assessment will give you important information on how your child is performing. The assessment allows the LSS teacher and classroom teacher to plan specific Seesaw activities for you to complete with your child at home. Research shows that parents who give extra help at home increase their child's reading and printing skills. You will be able to see your child's progress throughout the school year and have contact with the LSS teacher or classroom teacher through Seesaw.

Teacher Notes (not visible to pupils)

This assessment is intended for collaboration among parents, educators and support staff to gain a deeper understanding of the ways to support students, to plan a language-rich program and to include home support activities. This assessment should only be used twice a year to keep data valid and reliable. Teacher Instructions: Pages 1 - 3: Download Phonemic Awareness Assessment and follow directions. https://misd.net/mlpp/assessments/phonemicAwareness/Phonemic-Awareness-A.pdf The Joyful Literacy Circle Charts are another way to track students' progress. http://www.saskecec.ca/ckfinder/userfiles/files/SiteLicence%20Joyful%20Literacy.pdf
