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Teachers, save “Teach me something new!” to assign it to your class.

Chris Harrison

Teach me something new!

Grades: 6th Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade
Subjects: Science, Writing, Home Learning

Student Instructions

Did you know that giraffes have the same number of vertebrae (bones) in their necks as you do? Seven! They're just loads bigger! Did you know that Sonic's real name is Olgilvie Maurice Hedgehog? Did you know that in Morse Code -.- means k? Did you know that turtles can breathe through their bums? Ew, gross! Can you teach me something new? It might be a skill, a selection of 'did you know' facts or a new topic! I love learning new skills and discovering new things, so I hope you can challenge me and share something really unique! It might be History, Science, Zoology, Science, PE, music or anything else. Feel free to create a fact file, a set of instructions or even a video (get your family involved) and teach me your new things! Please try to teach me something that you're really passionate about, something that you know in great detail so you can really challenge me and share your expertise.
