Student Instructions
Are you Sphero ready?🙄
Connect Robot🧿👍
Let's begin by connecting your robot to the Sphero Edu app on your device. You can find more information about device compatibility here.
👉 🔗
Watch the video and learn the procedure. Then follow your teachers instructions to gathering and connecting you Sphero🧿 to a iPad📲.
Try following these steps:
Open the Sphero Edu app and ensure that Bluetooth is enabled.
Tap the "Connect Robot" icon at the top right of your screen.
Select your robot type.
Hold your robot next to the device and select it to connect. If you are using multiple robots, look for the robot with the strongest Bluetooth signal.
Aim Robot🧿📍
Now that your Sphero robot is connected to Sphero Edu, let's practice aiming. All Sphero robots need to be "aimed" and oriented relative to your position, so that forward for the robot and you are the same direction.
Watch the video and learn the procedure.
👉👁🗨 🔗
Place your robot on the floor or a flat surface.
In the Sphero Edu app, select "Drive".
Tap the "Aim" button.
Drag the aim ring until your robot's blue "tail light" is pointing directly at you.
Experiment and test your skills with the Sphero. If your able spend sometime driving the Sphero around obstacles and different surface.
When ready' watch the on page 7.
The Sphero Chariot Challenge.
Record your initial designs on Student response page. Try to include drawings of ideas, pictures of initial constructions. Then a video of your final design and construction, before the BIG RACE.
On the day of the race, try to
a few
of your Chariot competing in the Challenge.
How did you go?
What went well? What would you change about your design / construction?
When complete
your final response.
Teacher Notes (not visible to students)
A collection of links/video to introduce students to Sphero robot. I have tried to include some entertaining and educational videos to spark their interest and curiosity. Then outlined the basics for connection and control. The students will need a little time to get familiar with these procedures. Then when ready challenge them with the Chariot Challenge. A fun stem activity that involves the sphero's and some basic vehicle construction. All parts of the activity allow them to use Seesaw to record and reflect on their successes.