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Mr Stamp

Science: The BIG Question - Are Unicorns Real?

Grades: 4th Grade, 3rd Grade, 2nd Grade
Subjects: Home Learning, STEAM, Science

Student Instructions

Hello everyone! Today's BIG question is... Are unicorns real? 1. Tap the link and watch the video. Make sure to stop and think about the questions when asked. 2. 🗣 Talk to your family member about what you learned about unicorns. 🦄 Are they real?! What might they have looked like a long time ago? What other animals have one horn - does that make them a unicorn? Why or why not? 3. add Tap the add button. 4. video Tap the video camera to record yourself talking about unicorns - be sure to answer some of the questions and share your thoughts about unicorns in general. Why do you think people like unicorns so much? 5. check Tap the tick to save your work. BONUS TASK (if you want to...) - Learn more about narwhals or other one horned animals by searching about them on the internet with someone in your household. - Draw a unicorn the way you think they may have looked. Enjoy!

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Students can enjoy powerful science activities while learning from home. Mystery Science mini-lessons are a way for students to explore science topics individually or with their families. Learning from home is a great time to encourage curiosity and build scientific thinking skills. You can find more lessons here: https://mysteryscience.com/school-closure-planning. NGSS K-2-ETS1-1 - Ask questions based on observations to find more information about the natural and/or designed world.
