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Teachers, save “Dance and Freeze” to assign it to your class.

Carma Sorensen

Dance and Freeze

Grades: Kindergarten, Pre-K
Subjects: Physical Education, Special Education

Student Instructions

1. Click on the video link and have fun dancing and freezing!! 2. Click on the add button. 3. Click on the mic and have your child tell about their favorite part of the activity. 4. Click on the green check to save to your child's journal. Simplify: * Do the activity with your child. Children are always more likely to participate WITH someone. * Stop the video if this activity becomes too hard or your child gets "done" and/or modify the moves to make them doable for your child. * Don't require your child to tell about their favorite part if they're not ready for that advanced of a language activity. Extend: * Have your child "copy" your moves and you "copy" theirs. Take turns being the leader. * Have them tell about their favorite part AND their least favorite part and why. * Have a conversation about how exercise can help our bodies and minds feel better. Learning Potentials (Core Standards): Participate (and show coordination and balance) in activities that develop control and balance during movement that moves the child from one place to another (for example, walk forward in a straight line, hop, run and stop, change direction, and jump over low objects). Participate (and show coordination and balance) in activities that develop coordination and balance in movement that does not move the child from one place to another (for example, balance on one foot, and move body parts in isolation). Recognize how exercise and physical activity influence our physical and emotional wellness (for example, feel the change in breathing or heart rate, talk about how it helps our muscles and body, ask what physical activities a child enjoys).
