Student Instructions
Hands-on Activity (see notebook for directions) 1. Click to open the template. 2. Follow the directions on each slide. 3. Click the green to save. Slide 1 - Making a Prediction Slide 2 - Measuring Volume Slide 3 - Measuring Mass Slide 4 - Investigating Density Slide 5 - Making an Inference Slide 6 - Practice Questions Slide 7 - Purpose of the Activity Required Content o photo of the three liquids – prediction labeled and circled o photo of the three liquids – labeled same volume and 100 mL each o photo of the three liquids – labeled with the mass of each liquid o photo of the results - labeled with greatest density and least density o photo of the results next to model – particles drawn – explain results o purpose of activity/what you learned Required Vocabulary o Density o Inference o Observe o Prediction o Particles o Volume o Mass o Beaker o Measure o Investigation o Evidence