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Mrs. Kilpatrick

Number Bingo - Representing Numbers in Different Ways

Grades: PK-TK, Kindergarten, 1st Grade
Subjects: Math

Student Instructions

Tap add Choose 1 page. Tap the eraser erase tool to uncover one of the cards. Tap the highlighter highlighter pen to put a dot on your card if the amounts match. Example: If you uncover 5 fingers, 5 tally marks, 5 in a 10 frame, 5 on a die or the word "five", you can cover the number 5 on your bingo card. Continue back and forth using the eraser and highlighter until you have found all the numbers on your bingo card. Tap mic when you have a bingo. Say BINGO! and then tell all the numbers on your Bingo card. Tap check

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Play alone or play with family or friends. In class students can use multiple devices and one student can be in charge of erasing the cards. At home family members can make their own paper cards and play along.
