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Teachers, save “Portmanteaus” to assign it to your class.

Larissa Paton


Grades: 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 4th Grade
Subjects: English Language Arts

Student Instructions

1: Press the add button to commence your work. 2: Listen to the learning intention and success criteria on the first slide. 3: Watch the clip on the second slide that explains what a portmanteaus is. 4: On the third slide are some examples of portmanteaus that have been deconstructed into their original words. 5: On the next five slides are examples of some portmanteaus. You need to deconstruct them and write down the two words that they originally came from. 6: On the last slide record your understanding of what a portmanteaus is. 7: When you are finished go back and check your work and then press the check to submit your work. If you do not get finished then press the red draft tick.
