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Teachers, save “Cooking UP a Good Paragraph Activity” to assign it to your class.

Tonya Kelly, M.Ed

Cooking UP a Good Paragraph Activity

Grades: 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade
Subjects: Reading, English Language Arts, Writing

Student Instructions

Watch video on how to write a good paragraph Brain Pop https://youtu.be/Kib0P65II0k seesaw instructions 1. add response 2. click chain link to launch Google slide 3. Read all the Cooking Up a Good Paragraph slides 4. click student template 5. type two good paragraphs using label make sure your paragraphs have a topic sentence, details, and conclusion. 6. check for misspelled words, correct punctuation, and capitalization at the beginning of your sentences. 7. click check to add to the journal.
