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Barbara Trujillo

May 4-8 Math and Science Choice Board

Grades: PK-TK
Subjects: Science, Math

Student Instructions

Parents, please help your child do at least one of the math and the science activities on the choice board. You are welcome to complete all of the activities if you wish. This is meant to be completed over the week or all at one time if you wish. It is up to you. Math: 1. Pages 1-5: Click on the bugs to match the number total in the box at the top of the page and move move to the middle of the page. (You can enlarge the bug if you wish.) 2. Pages 6-10: Click on the bugs and move the bugs to cover the dots on each page. Count the bugs as you go. Write the number of bugs you counted using the highlighter marker at the bottom of each page. Science: 3. Page 11: Listen to the story. move Move the images to the correct order to show the stages of the life cycle of the butterfly. (egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, and butterfly)
