Instructions for Pupils
This task is looking at adding with exchanges. We have been using place value counters to help us represent what is happening when we exchange, then writing it into the column method.
Watch the video on the first slide to see an example that has been done for you.
1) Use to drag the place value counters into the place value chart to represent each calculation
2) Use
to write the calculation in columns.
3) Starting with the ones, add up each column.
Read the word problems. Work out the calculation you need to do, represent it using place value counters then complete the column method to find the answers.
REMEMBER: if there are 10 or more counters in the column, you need to exchange (e.g. 10 ones would be exchanged for 1 ten; 10 tens would be exchanged for 1 hundred)
You also need to complete at least 3 soundchecks on Times Tables Rock Stars