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Fraser Allen

Old Growth vs Second Growth forest (Part 1)

Grades: 5th Grade, 4th Grade, 3rd Grade
Subjects: Geography, Science

Student Instructions

Today we are going to be learning about the importance of old growth forests. But what is an old growth forest? 1. Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=292&v=G6DXtIP7ER8&feature=emb_title (stop at about 4 mins) If you'd like to read more, you can also check out this great website: https://dynamicearthlearning.com/old-growth-forest/ 2. To learn more about Old Growth forests and their importance for protecting biodiversity, here is a video to watch by NerdyByNature: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CgM-Ro9Jmh2/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY%3D 3. You can read this article and watch the news story video included to learn about some of the local impacts of logging in British Columbia: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/old-growth-forest-revelstoke-1.6626256 4. Now that you have learned about old and second growth forests. You are going to complete a drawing activity with your partner. One side of the paper will have old growth, and the other will have second growth. - what similarities can you see? - what differences can you see? - can you label any specific parts? - make sure you also add a label saying why old growth forest are important 5. Post a photo of your drawing to seesaw and make sure you tag your partner in it too!
