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Teachers, save β€œArticle-a-Day: INSERT TOPIC HERE” to assign it to your class.

Elizabeth Akers


Grades: 3rd Grade, 2nd Grade, 4th Grade
Subjects: Social Studies, Reading, English Language Arts

Student Instructions

This week the topic for your Book of Knowledge is: All About Bees 🐝🐝🐝 1) Log into you ReadWorks account. 2) Click on your ASSIGNMENTS and choose 1 article from this week's topic to read. 3) πŸ‘€ Read one article and come back to this activity. 4) Use the label tool to type 3 to 4 facts from your reading. Make sure another person can understand your facts! 5) Click check to submit. 6) Your teacher will βœ” check your work and return it each day for you to add more facts from a new article. 7) On the final day of the week, you will need to complete the "Final Connections" page to review how all the articles connected to each other. 8) Your teacher will complete the rubric on the last page. Please do not do anything to this rubric.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

ReadWorks is a free, online resource that teachers can assign grade and age appropriate articles. Students can complete their Article-of-the-Day responses in Readworks, but I feel that this is easier for me to quickly review students progress. This activity can easily be adapted to any resource that has articles students can read (National Geographic, Weekly Reader, etc..) Feel free to adapt the activity to fit the needs of your students. I did not always grade the assignment, but as my students became more accustomed to the activity, I wanted a way to assess them. You can delete the rubric page or adapt it to your needs.
