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Teachers, save “Spelling Test (TEMPLATE)” to assign it to your class.

Cheryl Carter

Spelling Test (TEMPLATE)

Grades: 1st Grade, 3rd Grade, 2nd Grade
Subjects: English Language Arts

Student Instructions

This is your weekly spelling test Always do your best! Tap the green add button to get started On slide one tap the BEE 🐝 by the box to listen to the word Then tap the label box to type the word When you finish the page tap slide two Complete this slide the same way When you are done tap the green check button to turn this in

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Don't forget to copy and edit off of the template for making each week's spelling tests. The T boxes can have the word recorded on the Voice option or you can unlock the BEE icons and use that for recording the words. Then Edit Question in the 3 dot menu on the T boxes for adding the word and correct reponses.
