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Carma Sorensen

Mixed up Napping House (Position Words)

Grades: Kindergarten, 1st Grade, PK-TK
Subjects: Special Education, English Language Arts, Math

Student Instructions

1. Click on the add button. 2. Click on the ▶ button at the TOP of the page to listen to the directions. The ▶ buttons at the bottom of each page are an extension of this activity. See below. 3. Use the move tool to put each picture in the right place. 4. There are four pages to do, each with a directions ▶ at the top. 5. The final page is an extension as well. See below. 6. When you're finished, click on the green check to add your work to your journal. Simplify: * If your child is just learning concepts, do only page three. It addresses only one concept (under.) * You move the pictures to the right place and have your child say the positional word with you. * Let your child move the pictures wherever they want and you comment on where they put them, just to expose them to the concepts. ("Oh look, you put the cat by the dog" or "on the granny" or "at the top", etc.) Extend: * After doing each page as instructed, have your child click the ▶ button at the bottom to let them try naming the positions. * On page 5, let your child use positional words/concepts to create their own game. They could place the pictures and ask you to describe where they are or name positions and have you put them where they tell you. Etc. * If they are catching on to the concepts, but need practice and get restless, remember you can do activities in more than one session. This is a long one. Learning Opportunities: Math 4 yr.4.1: Describe objects in the environment and identify the relative positions of these objects using terms such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to. ELA 4 yr.1.2: Use nouns, verbs, PREPOSITIONS, pronouns, and adjectives when speaking with others. ELA 4 yr.1.3: Begin to ask and answer complex questions (for example, who, what, WHERE, when, why, how). ELA 4 yr.1.4: Describe attributes of familiar people, places, things, and events. (Including relative position.)

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Based on the story "The Napping House" by Audrey and Don Wood. Pictures used with permission from KizClub. "I allow (educators) to use my materials for ANY educational purpose, if it's non commercial."
