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Rugby for Change

Guess the emoji game - Guess the Film

Grades: 4th Grade, 6th Grade, 5th Grade
Subjects: Reading, Home Learning, Social Studies

Student Instructions

Can you guess the names of these films, using only the emojis as clues! 1, Use add to start 2. Use label to write your answers on the template. 3. Use the mic to explain your answers. BONUS CHALLENGE! Use addpage to create your own emoji clues using label. When finished, check over your work and tap the check to add to your journal.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

ANSWERS 1. Kung fu Panda 2. Up 3. Happy Feet 4. Spider Man 5. Moana 6. Frozen 7. Ratatouile 8. Cats 9. Lion King 10. Toy story 11. Jungle book 12)Capitan America 13) Cat in the Hat 14) Zootropolis 15) Cloudy with a chance of meatballs
