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Teachers, save “Living or Nonliving - Earthworm vs Gummy…” to assign it to your class.

Adrienne Jimerson

Living or Nonliving - Earthworm vs Gummy worm!

Grades: 2nd Grade, 1st Grade
Subjects: Science

Student Instructions

Use the materials provided by your teacher and share what you've learned about habitats and living and nonliving things, and how they all depend on each other for this activity. Take a good, clear photo photo OR a short, clear video video of each worm. For photos, be sure to use the 3dots on it and add an audio audio explaining your thinking. For videos, be sure to include all your evidence- SHOW us how you know! Of course, you can use any of the other creative Seesaw seesaw tools to help us understand. pen pencil shapes highlighter label Tap draft for more time, or click check to share your best thinking with your teacher and family. Have fun!

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

A. Jimerson @Super2ndsMrsj #SeesawAmbassador I saw a similar idea online and thought how fun it would be to try with all the fun Seesaw tools! :D I provided a plastic glove for each child and a small paper baggie with a real worm at the bottom and the gummy worm inside a small dixie cup (they did NOT eat either of these specimens!). Even though gummy worms are not living things, asking the kids to provide a habitat for one is a challenge they may enjoy showing off their creativity. Who knows, their details may convince you gummy worms DO have a habitat!! Following a quick cleanup (returning the cup and both worms to the bag, glove thrown out, desks wiped down, hands sanitized again) each young scientist was hangry for more and received a squeaky clean, fresh gummy worm to devour. Yum! :D *Please feel free to edit this activity for your class, but don't re-submit to the Community/District Libraries. Thank you!*
