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Mrs. Janezic

Water - Absorb/Repel Experimenting

Grades: PK-TK
Subjects: Science

Student Instructions

Make your own experiment using water to test if materials absorb or repel water. Absorb means take in or soak up and repel means resists or forces away. You can see in the photo some of the items I tried in my example. Collect materials found at home for your experiment. You will also need a small cup and plenty of water. Because things will get wet, you should do this experiment in a sink, tub or on a tray with tall edges. It works really well outside too! Make predictions for each item. Do you think the water will be absorbed or repelled by the material? Then have fun pouring a small amount of water on each item to test your prediction. How many did you get right? Which materials surprised you with what happened? Please take a photo or video of your experiment or use the microphone tool to tell me about your experiment. I am excited to hear what you learned.

Suzanne Snead, Digital Learning Specialist

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