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Elizabeth Lukes

5.7- Jim Henson-- PLANNING TOOL

Grades: 5th Grade
Subjects: Art

Student Instructions

Hello 5th grade! This week you will be watching a video on Jim Henson, and a tutorial from Mr. Belonio that will help you plan for your Muppet project. Please know that this is a PLANNING TOOL, and should NOT be used for your final project. It's just to get your creativity flowing! Please be thinking of our theme: How does art change perceptions? How can you change the perception of yourself and your characteristics, into a Muppet? 1. Watch the video linked below, for more information about Jim Henson. 2. Watch Mr. Belonio's tutorial about how to import a muppet into ArtStudio, and add your own features to the Muppet. Please know that this is just to practice, and should be used as a planning tool for your final project. 3. Using the template that you worked on last week, decide- which Muppet do you identify with? Do you want to create a human Muppet? Do you want to create an animal Muppet? Which features of the Muppet do you like? The eyes, the mouth, the accessories? 4. Import the Muppet template of your choice into ArtStudio OR draw in your sketchbook. Change the Muppet template, by adding your own personal features and characteristics! When you are finished, please post your Muppet to Seesaw! REMEMBER-- This is a planning document, and should NOT be used for your final project. We will be working on our final project next week!
