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Teachers, save “Student Led Conferences-Mid Year” to assign it to your class.

Kelly Silverman

Student Led Conferences-Mid Year

Grades: 4th Grade, 3rd Grade, 5th Grade
Subjects: Character Building, English Language Arts, Math

Student Instructions

1. Please click the add 2. Slide 1: use the label to fill in your name and grade. Then within the label please record yourself welcoming your family to your mid-year conference. 3. Slide 2: Use the pen to complete the self evaluation for Language Arts. Then use the :label to complete the questions. Within the label please explain why your chose the book and activity that you did. 4. Slide 3: Use the pen to complete the self evaluation for Math. Use the label to tell what math skill you were excited to learn and within the label record why. Then complete a question using that skill and upload a photo of your work. 5, Slide 4: Use the label to complete "Goals for the Rest of the Year" . 6. Slide 5: for the "Genius" slide choose what ever Seesaw tool you like to show what you'd love to learn about. You can also cut and paste from the Internet if it helps. 7. Please save as a draft until we are done. 8. Click the check when you are complete.
