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Alex Newman-Adam

ATW Peru - Planning your trip

Grades: 9th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
Subjects: Special Education, Social Studies

Student Instructions

LEARNING INTENTION: To think why and how to tourism activities for the Peru leg of the trip. As a class, watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=mIAtMjEsDpw 1. On Page 1, complete the table to name 5 places to go or things to see around Lima, Peru. NOTE: Be specific - the names of actual places to go. 2. Find a photo for each location to help you visualise the site. 3. Locate the cost of each - identify if the amount is in AUD or in Peruvian currency. 4. Use Google Maps to identify how far away from Lima each place is (get there and back in one day) 5. On Page 2, list any tourism activities that you would like to see, but are too far away. 6. On Page 3, explain why planning tourism sites to visit can be useful in Peru. 7. Tap check to submit.
