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Arielle Chirlin

Read Across America

Grades: 1st Grade, Kindergarten, 2nd Grade
Subjects: English Language Arts, Digital Citizenship, Reading

Student Instructions

Celebrate Read Across America Day by reading or listening to a book from each of our 50 states! 1. Tap add 2. Click the link on pages page 1 to access the Read Across America Day map! 3. After you listen to a story, go to the map on pages page 2 and color in the state that the story is from using highlighter. Repeat this step each time you read a new story! 4. On pages page 3 use video to share which story was your favorite and why! 5. Tap check to submit your work.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

The original map was created by Becky Bentley. The map was then adapted by Rachel Klemmer who as given permission to use her map as part of this Seesaw activity to be used by students in our school and at others as well. The blank map on page 2 is from a free printables site, Mr. Printables, which is credited via watermark on the map. https://mrprintables.com/
