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Mrs. Vieco

Kindergarten NYSESLAT practice- Dictated words-2

Year Groups: Kindergarten, 1st Grade
Subjects: English Language Arts, Multilingual Learners

Instructions for Pupils

1. Tap the green add button to add this activity to your journal. 2. Click on your name 3. Click on the video and listen to the 2 words you will write on lines #1 and #2. 4. Use the drawing tool to write each word. 5. Use the mic to record how you spelled each word. 6. Click the green check mark twice to save it to your journal.

Teacher Notes (not visible to pupils)

This activity helps students prepare for the NYSESLAT state test by listening to dictated words and writing them. They also reinforce their language skills when they read and record their work. Students should write the word for #1 "boy" and for #2 "they".
