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Teachers, save “ENGLISH / Food Prep: Make a Mexican meal!” to assign it to your class.

Giselle Pulford

ENGLISH / Food Prep: Make a Mexican meal!

Grades: 6th Grade, 5th Grade, 7th Grade
Subjects: English Language Arts, Home Learning, Social Studies

Student Instructions

Hola! Please prepare a Mexican-themed meal at home for your family. You could make 🌮 tacos, burritos, tostadas, enchiladas... or try a brand new recipe with ingredients commonly used in Mexican cooking. 🌶🌽🧅 Think about how you can arrange the food on the plate so it looks enticing to your family! 😋 The presentation of your meal will be part of our English unit on presenting to an audience (Oral Language section). You have 2 options for presentation: A). Make a short video in seesawSeesaw (4 - 5 minutes is long enough) showing some of the ingredients you used and then your final meal presentation. OR B). Take a series of photos while you are making the meal (7 - 8 would be good) and then record your voice speaking about your ingredients and your final meal presentation. Steps to upload your work: 1. Click add to enter the activity IF YOU HAVE ALREADY TAKEN PHOTOS OR A VIDEO: 2. Click upload and select your files 3. Click mic to record your voice on top of your photos (not on videos though) 4. Click check when you are done IF YOU ARE ABOUT TO TAKE A VIDEO, IN seesawSEESAW: 2. Click video and prepare your camera before you start recording. 3. Press pause, then click check 4. Watch it through once, and when you are happy, click check IF YOU WANT TO TAKE PHOTOS AND RECORD YOUR VOICE, IN seesawSEESAW: 2. Click drawing 3. Click the camera icon photo and take all the photos you need. Arrange them on the page, or add extra pages (bottom right corner). 4. Choose mic and speak about your ingredients and final meal. 5. Listen to it again before you click check This will be easier if you get some help - both with cooking and posting your work - so please get your family involved to support you! Good luck!

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

This activity supports students working on oral presentations in the English / ELA area of speaking and listening skills. After completion, students are invited to view then comment on each others’ presentations, providing authentic feedback. In the classroom, students print the QR code attached to their post, for display in the classroom / common area. This allows other students / classes to scan and view the Mexican meal posts. These can be part of a larger display on oral language skills, or a themed unit on International cooking, Designing your own restaurant/food truck, Presenting as a TV celebrity chef etc.
