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Teachers, save “Treasure Map” to assign it to your class.

Jason Petrello

Treasure Map

Grades: 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 1st Grade
Subjects: Social Studies, Math, Reading

Student Instructions

Island Treasure Map Checklist Aye, aye matey! You're going to help me find some buried treasure...but it seems I lost the map. Did you bring your copy? No? Okay, well you're going to have to make one for us. Draw a picture of your own treasure map to practice your map skills. You have two options. 1. Create your map using tools in Seesaw such as labels, emojis, and pictures. 2. Create your map on paper and take a picture of it. Either way, make sure your map..... □ has a Map Title □ has at least 5 symbols □ has a red “X” symbol for the treasure □ has a Map Key □ has a Compass Rose □ is colored □ is done neatly Be creative and have fun!
