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Teachers, save “This is Bob!” to assign it to your class.


This is Bob!

Grades: 3rd Grade, 5th Grade, 4th Grade
Subjects: Home Learning, Digital Citizenship, English Language Arts

Student Instructions

Bob is a stick figure character. He gives advice. This is "my" Bob. You can see that my Bob is giving some bits of advice on how to work from home. Now its your turn: ➜ You will have your own template to write on. ➜ Type 4 complete sentences. Your sentences should be pieces of advice to your classmates on how to work at home. What are YOU doing to do your best? Examples: how to manage time, how to avoid distractions, how to work together online, how to have a balanced day, etc. It's up to you! Remember to be creative and positive! Tap add Tap label or pen to type your response. Tap check to submit your response. Thank you to Alexandra Silva for the inspiration for this activity.
