Student Instructions
1. Touch the photo to view the anchor chart for REALISTIC FICTION STORY ELEMENTS and THINK, PAIR, SHARE with a partner. 2. Go to your story selection of the week and while reading the story with a partner or alone search for story elements. 3. Take of the illustrations to save to as you read along. 4. Locate all elements and create a collage on PICCOLLAGE using your photos. 5. Return to SEESAW and touch to start sharing your findings. 6. Tap and your story elements collage. 7. Tap and choose your background. 8. Use the to write the story element that goes with each photo. 9. yourself explaining your work. 10. Tap to submit.
You might want to divide this activity into two days if you find it a bit lengthy. Canva is another app that may be substituted for Pic Collage. KEYNOTE is an excellent app if you like a slideshow version.