Instructions for Pupils
1. Clicca (click) the video to learn more about Piet Mondrian and the arte we will be doing today.
2. Instead of using carta (paper) as in the video clip, we will be using a clear sheet of plastica (plastic) to make a suncatcher.
3. You will NOT be able to use a pencil to draw your lines. You will need to CAREFULLY use the permanent marker and a RIGA (ruler).
4. You can re-watch the video and clicca pause as many times as needed.
5. When you have ruled your linee (lines) and are ready to paint, collect the plastica, giornale (newspaper), pennello (paint brush), pittura (paint) with the COLORI PRIMARI and the container of acqua (water) from the banco (bench).
6. When you are finito (finished), clicca
and then clicca
to take un foto (a photo) of your arte.
7. Clicca
and post it to your journal.